Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 9: Praying Like A Child

When we are children, our spirituality is very simple: God is our Father, and we are his children.  We pray to him, and he answers our prayers.  At the end of today's gospel, Jesus gives us a lesson that we learned in preschool: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Matthew 7:12)."  It is a very simple lesson which is why we learn it very early in our lives, but we forget very easily as we grow older.  As adults, sin makes us jaded, cynical, and we do not trust or confide totally in God as our children do.
As we continue our Lenten journey, it would we good to recover some child-like spirituality.  To pray to God as we did when we were children.  To treat each other with kindness.  To share the things that we have.  To smile a bit more often.  To delight in the wonders that delighted us when we were kids.  In God's eyes, we are still little children, and He has so many blessings that he wants to bestow upon us. Yes, we must become like children to enter the Kingdom, but it wouldn't hurt to become like children when it comes to our prayer lives as well.