Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 38: Jesus Christ, High Priest

Last night, I went to do a wedding rehearsal at St. Jude Melkite Catholic Church.  It's a small little church on Brickell with many beautiful icons.  While I was waiting for the bridal party to arrive, I sat in the front pew to pray and sat directly in front of the icon pictured below, Jesus Christ, High Priest.  A copy of this icon hangs in my office.  As I prayed, I thought about the events we will be celebrating a week from today.  Jesus Christ is both priest and victim on the cross.  He offers his very self to the Father for the forgiveness of our sins.  He is tortured yet glorified on the cross.  As Isaiah points out:  "See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted.  Even as many were amazed by him--so marred was his look beyond that of man, and his appearance beyond that of mortals... (Is 52:13-15)."
How wondrous what happened on that glorious cross!  Look upon the crucifix this day and ponder what our Lord did for you!