Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 36: Submitting to God's Will

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord when Mary said yes to the angel and Christ was conceived in her womb.  We celebrate Mary's total submission to God's will despite her questions and concerns.  In these days when we've been questioning God's will, we too have been asking like the Blessed Mother "how can this be?" But we learn from her obedience as she surrendered totally to God's plan.  This implied submitting to a possible life of suffering.  She was betrothed but not yet married to St. Joseph so her pregnancy could have resulted in a stoning.  She would endure the journey to Bethlehem late he in her pregnancy.  She would endure the exile into Egypt. And she would endure every step of her Son's passion as she watched him carry his cross, get nailed to it, and ultimately die on it.  To all of this, Mary said yes.  We do well to learn from her glorious example and to join her at the foot of the cross to behold the great act of love and surrender her Son did for us on Calvary so that we might live eternally with Him.

Mary, help us to surrender to God's will as you did.  Help us to accept His will and accompany us in our suffering as St. John accompanied you in your suffering at the foot of the cross.  Amen.